Hunter College of Manhattan. Photo courtesy

RIUSS, the Research Institute of United States Spanish, is pleased to report that New York State has approved a Master of Arts in Translation and Interpreting (MATI) program for Chinese, Russian and Spanish to be taught at Hunter College (CUNY) beginning September 2020. The Hunter MATI will be the only language-specific onsite degree program in this field catering particularly to the needs of New York City. (Online options will be available during the Coronavirus pandemic.)

María Cornelio, a founding member of RIUSS and Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Degree Spanish Major Concentration in Translation and Interpretation at Hunter, collaborated with Hunter colleagues in the Chinese and Russian divisions to design and submit the proposal for the new Master’s Degree program.

María, who has an extensive background in translation in the health care field, teaches introductory and advanced general translation courses and medical translation in the BA program. She will be the Program Advisor for the Spanish track and will also teach a Medical Spanish Translation course in the new Masters program during the Spring 2021 term.

“We are delighted with the news,” said RIUSS President Leticia Molinero, “and also proud of María Cornelio’s role in helping to design and secure State approval for this program.”

Since its founding in 2015, RIUSS has been a staunch advocate for improved Spanish language translation and interpretation in health care. Most recently, it has advocated collaboration with a US- centered Medical Spanish task force that includes experts from around the U.S. and other countries. RIUSS looks forward to continued collaboration with the Hunter BA Spanish major and now the new MA program in Translation and Interpreting.

An independent research organization, RIUSS focuses on filling a gap in research on written communication in Spanish in the United States. Its user-centered linguistic research is its unique contribution to equity as a fundamental social value.

Applying big data mining and other analytic tools, RIUSS research aims at enabling effective communication with more engaged and responsive readers. Its goals are supported by a distinguished team of linguists, translators and other experts.