Following “the American Dream” is something many people cherish. It’s a dream Western Union and India’s biggest superstar Shah Rukh Khan want to help flourish, especially since so many of the iconic money transfer company’s customers are “dual-belongers” – living in the US but with family in other countries.

Shah Rukh Khan is a leading voice in Western Union’s video and sweepstakes campaign, featuring American Dream prizes, and a cross-country adventure to get at the heart of people’s belief in the Dream (

Throughout 2015, Western Union is focusing on helping to make the American Dream come true via its American Dream Sweepstakes, offering over $182,500 in cash prizes that can be used to help achieve the American Dream:  down payment for a house, tuition monies, family meals and more. 

Early prizewinners’ comments and American Dream priorities are available to share with you, and Western Union’s Americas marketing executive Nidhi Gupta is available for comment.

Wester Union American Dream

You can get an idea of how people are talking about their American dreams by watching this YouTube video featuring a range of Americans talking about their own American Dreams or this YouTube video featuring Shah Rukh Khan, promoting the Western Union American Dream Sweepstakes.